Privacy Policy

This notice describes how みおスイッチ collects and uses data about you.

みおスイッチ is owned by Hiroki Matsue, based in Tokyo - Japan. (referred to as "I", "Me", "Our" or "We"). As a customer of this service you're a "User" or "You" according to this policy. The applications or any services offered by us will be referred to as "みおスイッチ", "App", "Website" or "Service".

When collect data?

みおスイッチ collects data:
  • when you browse the みおスイッチ website,
  • when you use the みおスイッチ client app for iOS and Android
  • when you send support, privacy, legal, and other requests to us
  • when working with and researching current and potential customers
When researching potential customers, we sometimes search the public World Wide Web or paid business databases. Otherwise, we don't buy or receive data about you from data brokers or other private services.

What data collect, and why?

Usage of our service.

When you use the みおスイッチ client apps, the みおスイッチ website, みおスイッチ logs data that might be identified to you:
  • a random, unique identifier
  • the version of the みおスイッチ app, and the operating system you are using
  • network request data, such as the date and time, your IP address, and the URL
みおスイッチ uses this data to:
  • keep our service working quickly and reliably
  • debug and develop our apps and website
  • defend みおスイッチ service from abuse and technical attacks
  • improve search results on the website
  • improve usability of our apps
みおスイッチ usually deletes log entries with identifiable information within a few weeks, but may preserve logs longer, as needed in specific cases, like investigations of specific incidents.

Usage of our website.

When you visit our websites, みおスイッチ uses cookies, server logs, and other methods to collect data about what pages you visit, and when. みおスイッチ also collects technical information about the software and computer you use, such as:
  • your IP address
  • your preferred language
  • the web browser software you use
  • the kind of computer you use
  • the website that referred you
The data will be used to:
  • optimize the website, so that it's quick and easy to use
  • diagnose and debug technical errors
  • defend the website from abuse and technical attacks
  • compile statistics on the kinds of software and computers visitors use
  • compile statistics on visitor searches and needs, to guide development of new website pages and functionality
  • decide who to contact about about product announcements, service changes, and new features
みおスイッチ may preserve log entries for all kinds of visitors longer, as needed in specific cases, like investigation of specific incidents. みおスイッチ stores aggregate statistics indefinitely, but those statistics don't include data identifiable to you personally.

みおスイッチ collects data about correspondence.

みおスイッチ collects data about you when you send みおスイッチ support requests, legal complaints, privacy inquiries, and business inquiries. Those data usually include your name and email address, and may include your company or other affiliation. みおスイッチ uses contact data to:
  • respond to you
  • compile aggregate statistics about correspondence
  • train support staff and other みおスイッチ personnel
  • review the performance of みおスイッチ personnel who respond
  • defend みおスイッチ from legal claims
みおスイッチ stores correspondence as long as it may be useful for these purposes.

Where does みおスイッチ keep data about me?

みおスイッチ stores data about website and app use on servers in the United States of America. I sometimes retrieve those data to my personal computers in Japan. I use the data to develop, debug and maintain the service. The data is erased from my computers when no longer needed.

Does みおスイッチ make automated decisions based on data about me?

AdMob server personalized advertisement.

Who can I contact about みおスイッチ and my privacy?

You can send questions or complaints to:

Changes to this policy

We change this Privacy Policy from time to time. We may update its contact information and minor changes by updating the page.